had trng today. many ppl came back. not really alot lar..but madm wenjia, qingyu and joanne came back. we practised lar..footdrills and more footdrills. tmr's the competition le..but we're like somehow still lagging. but ya..really hope to get something out of the comp lo.
their presence made me feel abit out of place leii..esp madm qingyu. just not used to her staring at us. but well..she watched our performance out of the corner of her eye..super kong bu la. and once i zao xia..shit la. very xia suay. but yea..other den that okkay la. so hope tmr will be smooth going.
everybody..who is in the footdrill comp! jiayou! we put in so much effort le..so we must definitely do it de! we can achieve smth de! (: (am i bluffing myself?) haish. we'll just give our best shot..wadever the outcome will be...will be. everyone..take care of urself..drink lots of water and sleep early. (:
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