Friday, December 26, 2008

Man, my blog's seriously rotting but I'm just too lazy to update. =/
Actually there's nothing much to post about, only that I've got my act-pro cam.
Hah, I feel really out of touch with some ppl now, most probably because I haven't
been attending all the gatherings etc.

Hmm, life after Os is kinda terrible, even though I have all the time in the world.
Its funny that I keep thinking of how I used to sleep in Chemistry class, or Physics
class, now that I have time, but in those classes, how I hoped lessons would be over soon.
Ironic. Okay whatever, err & I also can't stop thinking about 12 jan, or is it 15 jan. Damn,
how scary it would be to see unexpectedly-horrible results.

Err okay this post is getting nowhere, I shall.. uhh wait till there's something worth to
post. Till then, Merry Christmas and happy holidays. (: